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Kinbasket and Arrow Reservoirs Revegetation

The Consultative Committee recommended revegetation programs in Kinbasket and Arrow lakes reservoirs. The goal is to maximize plant growth and increase the number of native plant species in the drawdown zones to benefit fish, wildlife and help to stabilize shoreline erosion.

Annual Reports


Projects Studies Terms of Reference
CLBMON-9 Kinbasket Reservoir Monitoring of Revegetation Efforts and Vegetation Composition Analysis
CLBMON-10 Kinbasket Reservoir Inventory of Vegetation Resources
CLBMON-11A Wildlife Effectiveness Monitoring of Revegetation in Kinbasket Reservoir
CLBMON-11B Wildlife Effectiveness Monitoring and Enhancement Area Identification for Lower and Mid-Arrow Lakes Reservoir.


CLBMON-11B-1 Wildlife Effectiveness Monitoring and Enhancement Area Identification for the Lower and Mid Arrow Lakes Reservoir


CLBMON-11B-2 Wildlife Effectiveness Monitoring of Revegetation and Wildlife Physical Works on Spring Migrants in Revelstoke Reach


CLBMON-11B-3 Wildlife Effectiveness Monitoring of Western Painted Turtles in Revelstoke Reach


CLBMON-11B-4 Wetland Effectiveness Monitoring for Wildlife Physical Works

CLBMON-11B-5 Effectiveness Monitoring of Wildlife Enhancement Structures in Arrow Lakes Reservoir  
CLBMON-12 Arrow Lakes Reservoir Monitoring of Revegetation Efforts and Vegetation Composition Analysis
CLBMON-13 Inventory of Mosquito Populations in the Revelstoke Area
CLBMON-33 Arrow Lakes Reservoir Inventory of Vegetation Resources
CLBMON-35 Arrow Lakes Reservoir Plant Response to Inundation
CLBMON-57 Plant Communities (addendum to CLBMON-10)
CLBWORKS-1 Kinbasket Reservoir Revegetation
CLBWORKS-2 Mid Columbia and Arrow Lakes Reservoir Revegetation