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F2006 Open Call for Power


BC Hydro issued the Fiscal 2006 (F2006) Open Call for Power ("CFT" or "Call") on December 8, 2005. It is a result of extensive First Nations, stakeholder and IPP community engagement.

The Call for Power web content is intended for the Bidders registered to participate in the Call for Tenders. BC Hydro will update this page on ongoing basis. It is the sole responsibility of each Bidder to check the webpage on a regular basis and to identify new postings, including Addenda and revised versions of the CFT Forms and the CFT Reference Documents. BC Hydro assumes no liability or obligation to Bidders who are unaware for any reason of the Call for Power web content.

Bidders participating in the F2006 Open Call for Power need to familiarize themselves with relevant documents and other pertinent information.

Also available, relevant documents used in Designing the Call, including First Nations and stakeholder engagement.