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Dam safety reports

About BC Hydro's dam safety reports

BC Hydro's board of directors receives quarterly, and annual,  reports summarizing key dam risk management activities. This helps us provide reasonable assurance that the safety of dams continues to be managed to the established guidelines and criteria for the dam safety program.

What's in our quarterly reports on dam safety

  1. Featured dam sites: every quarter the board of directors is briefed on a different BC Hydro dam that may be of general interest or due to a particular project underway.
  2. Update on other major dams: highlights significant upgrades, investigations and maintenance at our larger dams.
  3. New issues: results of ongoing monitoring of our facilities that indicate developments that could have an impact on the risk profile of our dams and require subsequent attention.
  4. Gate maintenance and testing: A report of ongoing testing and maintenance undertaken at the spillway gates that are relied upon to release water when required at all of BC Hydro's facilities.
  5. Civil maintenance: A status report on the civil maintenance projects that are co-ordinated by BC Hydro's Dam Safety group.
  6. Regulatory requirements:
    1. Emergency preparedness and public safety: highlights key activities in support of BC Hydro's planning and collaboration with public agencies
    2. Compliance with processes and regulation: an assessment of BC Hydro's inspections, dam safety reviews and other compliance matters.

Expert Engineering Panel (EEP) Reports on WAC Bennett Dam, 2012 & 2016

In 2012, the Expert Engineering Panel was appointed to examine the information available on the history and performance of WAC Bennett Dam and make an independent interpretation of its seepage control functions.