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Indigenous procurement

Our Indigenous contract and procurement policy

Working together to build relationships that respect Indigenous peoples’ interests is important to us. One way we’re supporting the long-term economic interests of Indigenous peoples in B.C. is by committing to directed procurement opportunities for the benefit of Indigenous communities in support of our relationship agreements, impact benefit agreements and other arrangements with Indigenous groups.

Directed procurement opportunities may include the use of direct awards, select competitive procurements, and/or set asides. Contract opportunities for Indigenous businesses outside of these arrangements are also available through our general procurement processes.

Directed procurement opportunities are governed by the following principles:

  1. Opportunities may be used to fulfill defined procurement commitments outlined in a relationship agreement, impact benefit agreement or similar arrangement with an Indigenous group;
  2. Awarded contracts must be at market competitive prices;
  3. Awarded contracts must meet our expectations with respect to qualifications, safety and performance standards for the work;
  4. The contracting party may be the Indigenous group with whom we have an arrangement, or may be a business designated by the Indigenous group to perform the work (a designated business partner); and
  5. When identifying directed procurement opportunities, we will take into account company-wide business and operational factors such as security of supply, competitive market impacts, and ongoing program costs and efficiencies.

Designated businesses

Where an Indigenous group has an agreement with us, the Indigenous group may identify in writing to us the designated businesses that are eligible for directed procurement to fulfill our commitments to the Indigenous group under the agreement. Designated businesses must meet all of our technical requirements for qualifications, safety and performance, and have market competitive pricing.

Statement of Indigenous Principles

We’re committed to respecting and supporting the interests of Indigenous Peoples in B.C. Our Statement of Indigenous Principles is a commitment to work together to build relationships and respect these interests. All employees and contractors are to ensure these principles are understood and acted upon.