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Micro-SOP for First Nations and Communities

Program updates

February 14, 2019

As a result of government's comprehensive review of BC Hydro, a number of measures to lower our costs to keep rates low are being implemented, including reducing the amount of future energy purchases from independent power producers.

Effective immediately, our Standing Offer and Micro Standing Offer Program are suspended indefinitely, and we will not accept new applications or award any new electricity purchase agreements, with the exception of the five First Nations clean energy projects announced on March 14, 2018. Any applications received to date will not be advanced and BC Hydro will no longer maintain the SOP queue.

The decision to indefinitely suspend the program does not impact existing executed electricity purchase agreements.

March 14, 2018

BC Hydro is pursuing Electricity Purchase Agreements for five clean energy projects that are part of Impact Benefit Agreements with BC Hydro and/or are mature projects that have significant First Nations involvement.

BC Hydro supports the government's decision to take a closer look at energy procurement to ensure the best value for BC Hydro's customers through their review of BC Hydro this year. As a result, there are no plans at this time to issue any additional electricity purchase agreements.

The Standing Offer and Micro-Standing Offer Programs will remain on hold until the review is complete.


Micro-SOP rules

The Micro-SOP Rules [PDF, 1.5 MB] explain the eligibility requirements, the payment price we offer for projects reaching commercial operation through calendar year 2019 for electricity delivered under the Micro-SOP for First Nations and Communities, the interconnections requirements, and the application process.

For clean or renewable electricity projects over 100 kW up to and including 1 MW

We encourage the development of community-scale electricity projects throughout B.C., as guided by the Clean Energy Strategy [PDF, 213 KB] in our approved 2013 Integrated Resource Plan.