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Micro-SOP: Who can apply

The developer and the project must meet a number of requirements for the Micro-SOP for First Nations and Communities. Detailed eligibility requirements can be found in Section 2 of the Program Rules.

Main requirements include:

  • Clean or renewable: The energy must be clean or renewable as defined in the Clean Energy Act
  • Located in B.C., and outside Protected Areas: Projects must be located in B.C. which includes Canadian and B.C. territorial waters, and within BC Hydro's service area. Projects must not be located in a Protected Area as defined in the Clean Energy Act
  • Over 100 KW up to 1 MW in size: The project must be over 100 kilowatts up to and including 1 megawatt
  • First Nations or community Involvement: Projects are required to have significant beneficial ownership and active participation by First Nations or to have at least 50% control and beneficial ownership by community groups as defined in the Program Rules
  • New generators: Generation technology must meet the requirements to be considered either commercial operation generation technology or completed prototype generation technology
  • Interconnected to the distribution system: All projects must be directly interconnected to the Distribution System
  • BC Hydro customer projects (self-generation): Projects located behind a BC Hydro customer load will be required to meet the customer's own load requirements from self-generation before selling any electricity to BC Hydro. This "net-of-load" approach will be facilitated by adoption of smart meters for most Micro-SOP projects where technically feasible
  • BC Hydro incentives: Conditions and restrictions apply to projects that have previously received or will be receiving BC Hydro incentives
  • Target commercial operation date (COD): The project's target COD must be in a year with sufficient room available for the project's annual energy volume in BC Hydro's energy volume target, and be within three years of signing the Project EPA
  • Permits must be in place: The developer must have obtained all material permits required for the project, demonstrate site control, and the site must be zoned appropriately if local government land-use requirements apply
  • First Nations consultation: BC Hydro will be assessing the adequacy of First Nations consultation for any proposed project prior to offering an EPA

Please refer to the Micro-SOP Rules and Application Form for additional eligibility requirements and details.