Micro-SOP Program On Hold: Program documents
Program updates
March 14, 2018
BC Hydro is pursuing Electricity Purchase Agreements for five clean energy projects that are part of Impact Benefit Agreements with BC Hydro and/or are mature projects that have significant First Nations involvement.
BC Hydro supports the government’s decision to take a closer look at energy procurement to ensure the best value for BC Hydro’s customers through their review of BC Hydro this year. As a result, there are no plans at this time to issue any additional electricity purchase agreements under the SOP or Micro-SOP.
The Standing Offer and Micro-Standing Offer Programs will remain on hold until the review is complete.
Last updated: May 2018
The Program is currently on hold until the comprehensive review of BC Hydro is completed this year. No new applications are being accepted.
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Micro-SOP Program Documents outlining the program, rules and requirements |
Interconnection Documents required to initiate the interconnection process |
Electricity Purchase Agreement Standard Form EPA and related documentation |
Application Package Application submission documentation |
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