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Revelstoke Flow Management Plan

The Consultative Committee recommended a minimum flow of 142 m3/s from Revelstoke Dam to support fish and fish habitat in the mid Columbia River. The Plan includes a number of monitoring studies to determine the benefits of the minimum flow to ecological productivity of the river.

Annual Reports

Projects Studies Terms of Reference
CLBMON-15 Middle Columbia River Physical Habitat and Ecological Productivity  
  • CLBMON-15A Middle Columbia River Physical Habitat Monitoring
  • CLBMON-15B Middle Columbia River Ecological Productivity Monitoring
CLBMON-16 Middle Columbia River Fish Population Indexing Surveys
CLBMON-17 Middle Columbia River Juvenile Fish Habitat Use
CLBMON-18 Middle Columbia River Adult Fish Habitat Use
CLBMON-53 Middle Columbia Juvenile Fish Stranding Assessment