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Arrow Reservoir Operations Management Plan

The Committee developed soft constraints for the operation of Arrow Lakes Reservoir to benefit a number of non-power interests. These targets are to be used to help inform the BC Hydro operators about the impacts of operations on these values and to guide operational decision-making for the reservoir.

Annual Reports

Projects Studies Terms of Reference
CLBMON-31 Arrow Lakes Reservoir Burbot Life History and Habitat Use Assessment
CLBMON-32 Arrow Lakes Tributary Fish Migration Access Assessment and Monitoring
CLBMON-36 Kinbasket and Arrow Lakes Reservoir: Nest Mortality of Migratory Birds due to Reservoir Operations
CLBMON-37 Kinbasket and Arrow Lakes Reservoir: Amphibian and Reptile Life History and Habitat Use Assessment
CLBMON-39 Arrow Lakes Reservoirs Neotropical Migrant Use of the Drawdown Zone
CLBMON-40 Arrow Lakes Reservoir: Arrow Lakes Reservoir Shorebird and Waterbird Monitoring
CLBMON-41 Arrow Reservoir Recreational Demand Study
CLBMON-58 Monitoring of Impacts on Amphibians and Reptiles from Mica Units 5 and 6 in Kinbasket Reservoir