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Employee awareness

Person listening in a conference meeting

Get your employees involved

We provide a range of resources, and stories about customer successes, designed to encourage employee awareness around energy efficiency.

Benefits of employee energy awareness

  • It's a cost-effective way to support efficiency across your entire organization.
  • It helps support your strategic energy management plan.
  • Smart energy workplace culture shows industry leadership. 

What we offer

Downloadable and printed materials are available for you to use around your facilities to remind, educate, and introduce new operational procedures, including:

Free planning resources

  • Planning guide [PDF, 159 KB]: A downloadable guide that assists you in planning your campaign and engaging your employees in workplace energy efficiency.
  • Compressed air aware toolkit: This campaign toolkit motivates employees to stop compressed air leaks and use compressed air for the right tasks only. It also provides a framework of how to run similar campaigns around your industrial facility. 

Materials for around your site

  • Stickers: Printed point-of-use stickers to remind your team to report inefficient equipment or to do an energy-efficient action.
  • Leak tag kit: A comprehensive kit that includes tools to help your employees identify and report compressed air, oil, and steam leaks at your facility.
  • Tool talk kits: These kits contain valuable facts, questions and answers, and tips to educate your team about energy efficiency. 

Connect with your Key Account Manager or Regional Energy Manager to order materials for around your site.

Resources for industrial energy managers

We have additional resources and funding to help energy managers build energy conservation awareness amongst employees:

  • 100% funding for a customized on-site planning workshop.
  • Generous funding for engagement initiatives including training and awareness events - with on-site assistance from our community team (depending on availability).
  • Funding towards sustainable giveaways for employees and for energy awareness events at your facility.