BC Hydro plans, operates and maintains the bulk electric system in accordance with reliability standards established by the North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) and the Western Electricity Coordinating Council (WECC) adopted in British Columbia by the British Columbia Utilities Commission (BCUC). In addition, BC Hydro also provides assessments on other Mandatory Reliability Standards (MRS) related matters to the BCUC from time to time.
Assessment Report 17
Under Section 125.2 Adoption of reliability standards, rules or codes of the Utilities Commission Act, BC Hydro is mandated to review each reliability standard and provide an assessment report annually to the BCUC, which is the regulatory body having jurisdiction to adopt reliability standards for application in B.C. Additional information is available on the BCUC MRS website.
In fulfilling this mandate, BC Hydro consults with entities registered under the B.C. MRS Program. A feedback form where each entity can provide input is provided:
- Assessment Report 17 (External) Feedback Spreadsheet [XLSX, 151 KB]
The deadline for assessment feedback is February 29, 2024. Please send all feedback to BC Hydro Reliability Standards.
Reference Materials
- New and Revised Standards and Glossary of Terms [ZIP, 5.2 MB]
- Redlined Standards [ZIP, 3.0 MB]
- Assessment Report 17 Workshop [PDF, 612 KB]
Please contact BC Hydro Reliability Standards if you are having trouble accessing the materials.