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Past workshops by acquisition process

Standing Offer Program

February 29 & March 2, 2016 – Standing Offer Program and Micro-SOP for First Nations and Communities (information session and webinar)

The Province, Clean Energy BC, and BC Hydro hosted an information session to provide an update on the Standing Offer Program, launch the newly developed Micro-SOP for First Nations and Communities, and initiate discussions on optimizing to the pricing structure to reflect market advancements and resource needs.

April 1 to 8, 2014 – Program review with First Nations and stakeholders (regional meetings)

BC Hydro hosted a series of First Nations and stakeholder meetings in Terrace, Kamloops, Nanaimo, Vancouver and Prince George in early April 2014 to discuss and obtain feedback as part of its second Standing Offer Program Review.

February 23, 2011 – Program update (webinar)

BC Hydro held a webinar on February 23, 2011, to inform developers, First Nations and stakeholders of the changes to the Standing Offer Program and to provide an overview of the application and review process.

July 15, 2010 – Program update (webinar)

BC Hydro held a webinar on July 15, 2010, to provide an update on the Standing Offer Program Review. The purpose of this session was to provide the revised pricing and BC Hydro's current position on key aspects of the Standing Offer Program taking into consideration feedback received through engagement activities including dialogue sessions held in April and May 2010, a First Nations session held in June 2010, interviews with Standing Offer Program applicants and responses to the online questionnaire.

Spring 2010 – Program review (web-based dialogue sessions)

During spring 2010, BC Hydro held a series of web-based dialogue sessions to solicit input for the Standing Offer Program Review. These sessions were limited to small groups of participants in order to facilitate interactive discussion and explore issues related to the Standing Offer Program Review.

January 28, 2010 – Program review (webinar)

This webinar was hosted by BC Hydro and was intended to introduce developers, First Nations and stakeholders to the Standing Offer Program Review and discuss some of the comments that we have received to date. The webinar also prepared attendees to participate in dialogue sessions to be held in the spring.

May through July, 2008 – Program launch (information sessions)

This event was hosted by BC Hydro at several locations in B.C.

BC Hydro launched the Standing Offer Program on April 11, 2008, and held five information sessions in Vancouver, Nanaimo, Cranbrook, Prince George and Kamloops to review the Program Rules and the application process. These sessions were intended for developers that are ready or are planning to submit an application.

July 15, 2008 – Program launch (information session)

This event was hosted by BC Hydro at the St. Eugene Resort in Cranbrook, B.C.

BC Hydro launched the Standing Offer Program on April 11, 2008, and held this information session to review the Program Rules and the application process. This session was intended for developers that are ready or are planning to submit an application.

June 18, 2008 – Program launch (information session)

This event was hosted by BC Hydro at the Coast Bastion Inn in Nanaimo, B.C.

BC Hydro launched the Standing Offer Program on April 11, 2008, and held this information session to review the Program Rules and the application process. This session was intended for developers that are ready or are planning to submit an application.

May 6, 2008 – Program launch (information session)

This event was hosted by BC Hydro at SFU Segal Graduate School of Business in Vancouver, B.C.

BC Hydro launched the Standing Offer Program on April 11, 2008, and held this information session to review the Program Rules and the application process. This session was intended for developers that are ready or are planning to submit an application.

November 29, 2007 – Program review (information session)

This event was hosted by BC Hydro at the Renaissance Vancouver Hotel Harbourside in Vancouver, B.C.

Following the review of written comments and feedback received during the summer of 2007, several changes were made to the proposed design of the program as appropriate. The purpose of this session was to review the revised draft Program Rules and draft Standard Form EPA prior to BC Hydro submitting its section 45 application to the British Columbia Utilities Commission (BCUC) and convey to developers, First Nations, customers and all other stakeholders how the comments have influenced the Program design.

July and August, 2007 – Program review (information sessions)

This event was hosted by BC Hydro at several locations in B.C.

During July and early August 2007, BC Hydro held 10 information sessions in Vancouver, Cranbrook, Prince George, Kamloops and Nanaimo for potential developers, First Nations, intervenors, customers and other stakeholders. These sessions were designed to provide further information on the program and give an opportunity for stakeholders to provide feedback on the program and the draft documents.

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Micro-Standing Offer Program for First Nations and Communities (Micro-SOP)

February 29 & March 2, 2016 – Standing Offer Program and Micro-SOP for First Nations and Communities (information session and webinar)

The Province, Clean Energy BC, and BC Hydro hosted an information session and a webinar to provide an update on the Standing Offer Program, launch the newly developed Micro-SOP for First Nations and Communities, and initiate discussions on optimizing to the pricing structure to reflect market advancements and resource needs.

June 9 & 10, 2014 – Engagement sessions for First Nations and stakeholders (workshop and webinar)

BC Hydro hosted a workshop in Vancouver on June 9, 2014, and a webinar on June 10, 2014, to seek input into the development of the Micro-SOP

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Closed offers

November 2, 2012 – Haida Gwaii RFEOI (webinar)

BC Hydro held a webinar on November 2, 2012, to provide all interested stakeholders and First Nations an overview of the Haida Gwaii Request for Expressions of Interest requirements.

July 6, 2010 – Community-Based Biomass RFQ (workshop)

BC Hydro held a workshop in Vancouver on July 6, 2010, to help registered RFQ Respondents better understand the Proposal submission requirements.

July 2009 – Community-Based Biomass RFQ (information sessions)

These sessions were hosted by BC Hydro in Vancouver, Prince George and Kamloops, B.C.

The sessions introduced the Phase II CBB Request for Qualifications (RFQ) to enable interested groups to review and provide feedback on the draft RFQ. The sessions were intended for communities, First Nations, municipalities, independent power producers (IPPs) and other stakeholders.

December 9, 2008 – Haida Gwaii/Queen Charlotte Islands draft RFP (information session)

This event hosted by BC Hydro at the Queen Charlotte City Community Hall in Queen Charlotte City, B.C.

1:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Queen Charlotte City Community Hall
134 Bay
Queen Charlotte City, B.C.

This session provided an overview of the draft RFP and an opportunity for Haida Nation, other First Nations and stakeholders to influence the design of the process, and build a mutual understanding of interests between BC Hydro and participants.

October 23, 2008 – Clean Power Call RFP (information session)

This event hosted by BC Hydro at the Pan Pacific Hotel in Vancouver, B.C.

8:00 a.m. – 1 :00 p.m.
Pan Pacific Hotel – Crystal Pavilion
300 - 999 Canada Place
Vancouver , B.C.

Proponents registered in the Clean Power Call Request for Proposals were invited to participate in the Proponent's RFP Information Session workshop in Vancouver, B.C. Proponents' attendance at the session was strongly encouraged, but was not mandatory.

The workshop was designed to address:

  • Proposal requirements, including use of prescribed forms and information to be included in Proposals,
  • Application of Specimen EPA formulae (e.g., energy pricing and allocation, liquidated damages, etc.) and
  • Post-Proposal submission process.

A copy of the presentations, calculation models, and Proposal checklist is posted in the right column. The calculation models and Proposal checklist are also available with the EPA documents and Proposal Package documents respectively on the Clean Power Call Documents page.

July 8, 2008 – Clean Power Call RFP (information session)

This event was hosted jointly by BC Hydro and the BC Transmission Corporation (BCTC) at the Fairmont Waterfront hotel in Vancouver, B.C.

This information session was divided into two sessions and was intended for potential Proponents in the Clean Power Call Request for Proposals (RFP).

The morning session, presented by BC Hydro, provided an overview of the Clean Power Call RFP, the changes from the CFT to an RFP, registration process and timeline.

The afternoon session, presented by BCTC, provided information and an overview of the important details and deadlines for the transmission and distribution interconnection processes. In responding to the Clean Power Call RFP, it will be important to have knowledge of, and adhere to, these interconnection processes.

May 28, 2008 – Bioenergy Call Phase I (workshop)

This event was hosted by BC Hydro at the Westin Grand Hotel in Vancouver, B.C.

Proponents registered in the Phase I RFP were invited to participate in the Proponent workshop. Proponents' attendance at the session was strongly encouraged, but was not mandatory.

The workshop was designed to provide guidance to Proponents on Proposal contents and other requirements and to review key terms of the Specimen EPA, example applications of EPA formulae and post-Proposal activities.

March 26, 2008 – Bioenergy Call Phase I (information session)

Proponents registered in the Phase I RFP were invited to participate in the Proponent workshop. Proponents' attendance at the session was strongly encouraged, but was not mandatory.

February 20, 2008 – Bioenergy Call (information session)

This event was hosted jointly by the BC Transmission Corporation (BCTC) and BC Hydro at Forster's Convention Centre at the Best Western in Kamloops, B.C.

On February 20, 2008, BC Hydro and the BCTC invited potential developers, First Nations, customers and other stakeholders to a two-part information session. During the morning session, BC Hydro provided an overview of the Bioenergy Call to help communicate the current status of activities as well as provide potential proponents with more information to assist them in their decision on whether to participate in the Phase I Request for Proposals (RFP) of the Bioenergy Call.

The afternoon session was conducted by the BCTC and provided important details and deadlines for the transmission and distribution interconnection processes. This is critical for potential proponents and their technical consultants planning to submit a proposal in the Phase I RFP.

November 27, 2007 – Clean Power Call (information and engagement session)

This event was hosted by BC Hydro at the Westin Bayshore in Vancouver, B.C.

On November 27, 2007, BC Hydro invited potential developers, First Nations, customers and other stakeholders to review and provide feedback on the proposed design of the Clean Power Call. This session gave BC Hydro a chance to provide more details on the call and offered an important opportunity for stakeholders to ask questions and provide feedback on the call and the draft Term Sheet documents. Several break-out group sessions were also organized during the afternoon to allow for more in-depth discussion on specific issues.

August 22, 2007 – Bioenergy Call (stakeholder meeting)

This event was hosted by BC Hydro at the Westin Grand hotel in Vancouver, B.C.

On August 22, 2007, BC Hydro met with representatives from the Ministry of Forests and Range, the Ministry of Energy, Mines, and Low Carbon Innovation, Independent Power Producers (IPPs) with existing contracts for bioenergy projects and the Council of Forest Industries to discuss the forthcoming Bioenergy Call. The meeting focused on mechanisms that BC Hydro could consider to help address the potential impact of the Bioenergy Call on existing users of residual wood products in B.C.

At the meeting, BC Hydro presented a set of preliminary options that were being considered for the Bioenergy Call. Thereafter, smaller breakout groups were created and stakeholders were asked to discuss and provide feedback on the preliminary options presented by BC Hydro, or suggest additional options that should be considered.

June 6, 2007 – Understanding BC Hydro's system needs (information session)

This event was hosted by BC Hydro at the Fairmont Waterfront hotel in Vancouver, B.C.

This session was designed to create a greater understanding of BC Hydro's system needs, long and short-term system planning and system constraints and to obtain input on how to meet system needs through future calls.

April 3, 2007 – Bioenergy Call RFEOI (information session)

This event was hosted by BC Hydro, the Ministry of Energy, Mines, and Low Carbon Innovation and the Ministry of Forests and Range at the Coast Inn of the North in Prince George, B.C.

This session was designed to provide further information in respect to the RFEOI and provide an opportunity for stakeholders to ask questions.

September 21, 2006 – Clean Power Call design (workshop)

This event was hosted by BC Hydro in Vancouver, B.C.

On September 21, 2006, BC Hydro gathered with IPPs, British Columbia Transmission Corporation (BCTC), the provincial government and representatives from the financial, construction and legal communities in order to have a broad discussion regarding design of the Clean Power Call and to explore possible solutions for several key themes identified during the IPP Dialogue Sessions. The workshop was attended by 30 participants who were selected from the previous IPP Dialogue Sessions.

June to August 2006 – Clean Power Call design (dialogue sessions)

This event was hosted by BC Hydro in Vancouver, B.C.

During the summer of 2006, BC Hydro engaged Independent Power Producers (IPPs) through a series of dialogue sessions designed to stimulate discussion and identify items that should be considered as part of the Clean Power Call, including improvements to the acquisition process and enhanced contractual terms and conditions.

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