Gord Gray, a Senior Key Account Manager looks back on how COVID-19 and the markets made for a busy year in mining, with electrified mines rapidly becoming a reality.
Throughout the pandemic and continuing into the future, BC Hydro is here to help you manage your power consumption. We'll look at three ways you can access that help, no matter what size your business is. Learn more
MyHydro is a free tool that every business should take advantage of. Explore how MyHydro's data can help you set benchmarks, test new initiatives, identify inefficient equipment and reduce your surcharges. Learn more
Breathe Medical Manufacturing incorporated on March 9 but they're about to start producing over 100 million medical masks every month in Kelowna. Learn more
We've added an additional Regional Energy Manager to help more businesses get more access to BC Hydro incentives and resources. Learn more
Which BC Hydro programs and energy efficiency initiatives are right for you? We can help you determine what's most practical and valuable for reducing waste and cutting costs at your facility.
Business Helpdesk
604 522 4713 (Lower Mainland) or 1 866 522 4713 (the rest of B.C.) industrial@bchydro.com
Got a question?
You can get a lot of answers at bchydro.com. Or you can use our Business Helpdesk, via email at industrial@bchydro.com or by phone at 604 522 4713 (1 866 522 4713 outside the Lower Mainland).
Understanding your energy use can cut costs
Use online tracking tools as a simple starting place to understand where you can find savings, tracking your usage down to the hour or even minute.