Custom project incentives

Get funding for energy management upgrades or design at your business
Are you ready to upgrade your facility's inefficient energy systems, better manage your demand charges, or reduce your reliance on fossil-fuel powered equipment? We offer incentives to help.
You could get funding for the following project types:
- Energy efficiency improvements. Projects include equipment upgrades, new plant design or expansions to existing facilities. This also includes load displacement projects, where you install private, renewable electricity generation equipment to offset your energy use.
- Low-carbon electrification. Projects to switch some of your fossil-fuel use to clean electricity, which reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
- Demand response: Projects to reduce or shift some of your energy usage during specified dates and times of peak demand on our system.
The offer
Get generous funding towards the implementation of energy management opportunities at your industrial or large commercial facility. Your custom incentive funding amount can shorten the payback of your project costs, providing a better return on your investment.
Depending on your project, the custom incentive would be based on the incentive calculations below.
Energy efficiency
Distribution customers 2¢ to 5¢ per kilowatt-hour (kWh) per year of energy savings or load displaced, depending on your project payback period. |
Transmission customers 4.5¢ per kWh per year. |
Low-carbon electrification |
Incentives calculated on a case-by-case basis. |
Demand response | $50 to $75 per kilowatt (kW) of demand reduced, depending on project opportunity or program participation. |
How it works
- Gather the information required for your application.
- Most applicants have pursued a feasibility study first, which results in a detailed report including all the information required.
- If you're not pursuing that study, contact us and we'll provide a technical requirements document that your engineer or consultant can complete.
- Submit an application.
- We'll perform an engineering and financial review of your project and calculate an incentive amount.
- We'll send you an agreement package for your signature which includes the incentive amount and the terms and conditions.
- Work with your contractors to purchase and install the equipment.
- Once your project is installed, send us copies of your paid invoices along with your completion documents (listed in your agreement package). We'll then review your documents and process the incentive payment.
Note that there may be measurement and verification checks on the overall performance of the project after its completion, as we deem necessary. We’ll outline this in your agreement package.
- You're an industrial customer on our large general service distribution rate or transmission rate, or you’re a large commercial customer with annual electricity consumption of 2 gigawatt-hours (GWh) or more company wide.
- For energy efficiency projects, including load displacement, the minimum energy opportunity must be at least 25,000 kWh per year.
- For industrial low-carbon electrification projects, the incremental energy consumption must be greater than 200,000 kWh per year. For commercial low-carbon electrification projects, please reach out to inquire.
- For demand-response projects, the minimum demand impact must be at least 25 kW.
- Your project involves a hard-wired facility upgrade of one or multiple energy management opportunities .
- Your site falls into one of the following categories:
- Your site has been operational for a minimum of six months prior to applying,
- Your site is a new facility, or
- You're planning an expansion that will grow your site's energy use by more than 10%.
Eligible costs
This incentive can be applied to all aspects of your project costs, including design, equipment, installation, disposal of old equipment, and tax.
How to apply
Applications are submitted by your Key Account Manager or Regional Energy Manager. Contact them to apply.
If you're not sure who to talk to, contact our business help desk at 1 866 522 4713.
Related programs
Self-serve incentives
Apply online for incentives for compressed air systems (between 40 and 300 horsepower) or lighting retrofit projects.