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Regulatory Review & Environmental Assessment

Provincial environmental assessment

Although the installation of Mica Unit 5 and Unit 6 was previously licensed, BC Hydro opted into the provincial environmental assessment process under the British Columbia Environmental Assessment Act (BCEAA).

BC Hydro received Environmental Assessment Certificates for the projects in April 2010 after a two-year environmental review. B.C.'s Environmental Assessment Office provides more details on their assessment of the Mica Unit 5 and Mica Unit 6 Projects.

Columbia River Water Use Plan

The Columbia River Water Use Plan (WUP) [PDF, 1.2 MB] approved by the provincial Comptroller of Water Rights (CWR) in January 2007, provides for operational changes, physical works, and monitoring programs related to the Mica, Revelstoke, and Hugh Keenleyside dam and generating facilities. The goal of the Water Use Plan is to provide benefits to other interests besides power generation, including fisheries, wildlife, recreation and culture/heritage.

The current Columbia River WUP was based on four generating units at Mica. The operational changes and package of monitoring programs and physical works were examined in light of the operation of additional units at Mica. A draft addendum, including the proposed revisions, was prepared and submitted for review and approval by the CWR.