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Duncan Dam Water Use Plan

  • Project initiated August 2001 and completed April 2004.
  • Consultative Committee Report and draft Water Use Plan submitted to the Comptroller of Water Rights in March and October 2005, respectively.
  • Executive summary [PDF, 142 KB] of Consultative Committee Report [PDF, 16.4 MB] provides an overview of the water use planning process and outcomes.
  • Water Use Plan [PDF, 995 KB] accepted by the Comptroller of Water Rights and implemented in December 2007.
  • Duncan Dam WUP Order [PDF, 189 KB]

Annual Reports

Projects Studies Terms of Reference
DDMMON-1 Lower Duncan River Ramping Rate Monitoring
DDMMON-2 Lower Duncan River Fish Habitat Use Monitoring
DDMMON-3 Lower Duncan River Hydraulic Model Development
DDMMON-4 Lower Duncan River Kokanee Spawning Monitoring
DDMMON-5 Upper Duncan River Bull Trout Migration Monitoring
DDMMON-6 Lower Duncan River Bull Trout Passage Monitoring
DDMMON-7 Lower Duncan River Water Quality Monitoring
DDMMON-8 Duncan Riparian Monitoring  

DDMMON-8-1 Lower Duncan River Riparian Cottonwood Monitoring


DDMMON-8-2 Duncan Reservoir Riparian Vegetation Monitoring

DDMMON-9 Lower Duncan River Mosquito Monitoring and Management Plan Development
DDMMON-10 Duncan Reservoir Fish Habitat Use Monitoring
DDMMON-11 Duncan Reservoir Burbot Monitoring
DDMMON-12 Duncan Reservoir Archeological Overview Assessment
DDMMON-13 Duncan Reservoir Archeological Site Erosion Monitoring
DDMMON-14 Duncan Wildlife Use Monitoring
DDMMON-15 Duncan Reservoir River Stranding Protocol Development and Finalization
DDMMON-16 Lower Duncan River Fish Stranding Impact Monitoring
DDMMON-17 Duncan Reservoir Kokanee Stock Assessment
DDMWORKS-1 Lower Duncan River Argenta Slough Erosion Protection
DDMWORKS-2 Duncan Reservoir Glacier Creek Boat Ramp Extension  
DDMWORKS-3 Plan to Address Nutrient Retention Caused by Duncan Dam Operations
DDMWORKS-4 Action Plan to Minimize Stranding of Kokanee Spawning in Lower Duncan River Sidechannels