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Shuswap River Water Use Plan

  • Water Use Plan [PDF, 1.8 MB] accepted by the Comptroller of Water Rights and implemented in October 2005.
  • Executive summary [PDF, 33 KB] of Consultative Committee Report [PDF, 4.4 MB] provides an overview of the water use planning process and outcomes.
  • Project initiated March 2000 and completed April 2002.
  • Consultative Committee Report and draft Water Use Plan submitted to the Comptroller of Water Rights in December 2003.

Water Use Plan Order Review

  • WUPOR Status Update (January 2020) – The Shuswap River WUPOR is paused as we have started a project to achieve fish passage at Wilsey dam so that Chinook, Coho, and Sockeye salmon can access 32 kilometres of historical spawning habitat upstream of Wilsey Dam. We recently completed a review of Wilsey Dam and the Shuswap Falls powerhouse that indicates considerable investment is required to refurbish these facilities and construct a fishway channel. The Wilsey Fish Passage Project is investigating whether decommissioning of Wilsey Dam and the Shuswap Falls powerhouse is a better option. Since the WUPOR assumes our continued operation of these facilities, we have paused the WUPOR until we confirm our preferred alternative for fish passage at Wilsey Dam.

  • WUPOR Environmental Synthesis Report [PDF, 3.5 MB] – Summaries results from four monitoring programs and one physical works. The report outlines whether benefits anticipated by the WUP Consultative Committee (CC) are achieved under the ordered operating constraints, physical works, and related management questions. This final report marks the end of the WUPOR Stage 1. The report's outcomes will be incorporated into the WUPOR Report (process paused - see January 2020 update, above).
  • Shuswap River WUP Order [PDF, 156 KB]

Provincial and Program Information

Annual Report

Projects Studies Terms of Reference
SHUMON-1 Sugar Lake Reservoir Inflow Monitoring
SHUMON-2 Sugar Lake Reservoir Shoreline Erosion Monitoring
SHUMON-3 Flooding Risks In Middle Shuswap River
SHUMON-4 Sugar Lake Reservoir Archaeology Monitoring
SHUWORKS-1 Wilsey Dam Flow Release Mechanism