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Updated programs help you identify the best ways to save

Workers in an industrial plant
Our updated Plant-wide Audit and Energy Efficiency Feasibility Study help you make the best decisions when it comes to the improving the energy efficiency of your business.

Not sure where to start? An audit or study may be just the place 

If you're a regular reader of Current, our quarterly newsletter for industrial customers, you'll know there are many different energy efficiency opportunities for your business to potentially explore – along with many different incentives we offer to potentially help fund them.

So how do you know which ones are right for you? A plant-wide audit or energy efficicency study might be a good place to start.

  • Plant-wide audit is for when you need help deciding where to begin to improve your business' energy efficiency and want guidance on what your best opportunities might be.
  • Energy efficiency feasibility study is for when you have a specific project in mind, but need guidance on the right approach to maximize your savings.

Let's take a look at both of them in more detail.

Plant-wide audit

We'll provide up to 100% of the funding towards an energy audit from an expert who'll complete a full walk-through of your facility. They'll deliver a high-level report of how much energy your different systems and equipment use and what the greatest areas for improvement are.

Other updates include:

  • A pre-engagement meeting to fully understand what your efficiency goals are and to understand any known issues.
  • An opportunity register featuring a list of all your potential efficiency measures. They'll be categorized and ranked by cost, effectiveness, and ease of implementation so you can select the ones you feel will benefit your business the most.

Energy efficiency feasibility study

We'll provide up to 100% of the funding to hire an expert to review a specific system. They'll deliver a detailed report with an assessment of your options, plus your estimated savings, and implementation costs. You can also get advice on how to build this information into a business case if required.

Additional support from an expert

The energy consultant that conducted your audit or study will provide you with a presentation to outline their findings. For transparency, and to help with any decision-making, you're welcome to invite additional team members and stakeholders to attend the presentation.

Your Key Account Manager or Regional Energy Manager will attend to answer any questions and discuss next steps, along with representatives of our Engineering and Industrial Marketing teams.

How can we help your business be more efficient?

If you've been wondering which energy efficiency opportunities are right for your system or facility, find out more about our studies and audits. You can also contact your Key Account Manager or Regional Energy Manager or call our Business Helpdesk at 604 522 4713 in the Lower Mainland or 1 866 522 4713 elsewhere in B.C.