NTSA performance measures
The documents below are associated with the Non-Treaty Storage Agreement (NTSA), which relates to Canadian storage of water on the Columbia River. For an explanation of the agreement, see our main NTSA page.
Arrow / Mid-Columbia
- Mid-Columbia Reach Recreation [PDF, 336 KB]
- Vegetation [PDF, 329 KB]
- Mid-Columbia Reach Aquatics [PDF, 433 KB]
- Wildlife [PDF, 302 KB]
- Wetlands [PDF, 557 KB]
- Navigation [PDF, 339 KB]
- Arrow Recreation [PDF, 363 KB]
- Heritage [PDF, 343 KB]
- Dust [PDF, 326 KB]
Arrow soft constraints
- Recreation [PDF, 320 KB]
- Fisheries [PDF, 326 KB]
- Vegetation [PDF, 329 KB]
- Heritage [PDF, 325 KB]
- Erosion [PDF, 320 KB]
- Wildlife [PDF, 343 KB]
- Soft Constraint Performance [PDF, 206 KB]
Kinbasket / Revelstoke
- Navigation [PDF, 338 KB]
- Recreation [PDF, 348 KB]
- Heritage [PDF, 341 KB]
- Erosion [PDF, 323 KB]
- Dust [PDF, 256 KB]
- Photo volume [PDF, 344 KB]
- Fish entertainment [PDF, 120 KB]
- Productivity [PDF, 377 KB]
- Vegetation [PDF, 327 KB]
Lower Columbia River
- Recreation [PDF, 487 KB]
- Flood flows [PDF, 437 KB]
- Total Gas Pressure [PDF, 399 KB]
- Whitefish [PDF, 348 KB]
Other documents
- Power Value [PDF, 35 KB]
- Green House Gas [PDF, 80 KB]