Safety at BC Hydro recreation sites

BC Hydro reservoirs make it possible to provide 96% clean energy to the province. Those reservoirs also serve as recreational sites that many people enjoy for things like hiking, boating, camping and swimming. While those areas are there for your enjoyment, it's important to be aware of the hazards to stay safe.
Get specific tips about water, hiking, campfire, and winter safety
Here are some key safety tips to keep in mind:
- Obey all warning signs and keep out of restricted areas.
- Stay on clearly marked, designated trails and within observation areas.
- Always supervise children and teach them how to stay safe.
- Be aware that water levels and flows may change suddenly. Sirens and strobe lights may be used to alert you that water levels will soon be changing.
- Outdoor recreation can bring you in contact with wildlife including bears and cougars. Never feed wildlife. And to prevent your pets from getting into dangerous confrontations with wild animals, please keep pets under control at all times.
- Out of respect for others who use our recreation sites, please keep your pets under control and out of areas where they’re not allowed, such as beaches designated for swimming.
- Please respect the hours of operation of our recreation areas.
- Obey the safety directions of all on-site BC Hydro representatives, including wardens and other recreation-area staff.
- Firearms are never allowed.
In case of emergency
Contact: BC Hydro's on-site warden
Phone: 911
Contact: Your local RCMP detachment
Get details on water, hiking, campfire, and winter safety
Safety around water
Rivers, lakes, and reservoirs near BC Hydro generating stations can be great places for swimming and boating. But it's important to remember that water levels and flows may change quickly.
Supervise children closely at all times, especially when you are on or near water.
Alcohol and water-based activities don’t mix. A high proportion of drowning victims are young adults who are intoxicated.
Have fun and ensure you follow these safety precautions:
- BC Hydro recreation areas do not have lifeguards, with the exception of Buntzen Lake and Hayward Lake.
- Obey all warning signs and keep out of restricted areas.
- Hazards can be concealed under the surface of the water. Look before you leap.
- Children and those who can’t swim should wear personal floatation devices (PFDs) while in the water.
- Many of our lakes are cold enough that you could get hypothermia if you get wet or be otherwise harmed by exposure.
- Obey all warning signs and keep out of restricted areas.
- Keep outside of safety booms and buoys, and away from all dam structures.
- Never stop, anchor, or tie your boat below a dam. Water flows can change quickly, swamping your boat or creating a dangerous undertow.
- Be back on shore 30 minutes before the recreation area closes.
- If you're not prepared to get wet, you're not prepared to be in a boat.
- Everyone in a boat or canoe, even an inflatable model, must wear an approved personal floatation device (PFD). It won't work if you don't wear it.
- Every boat or canoe must have a whistle or other noisemaker that can be used to signal for help in the event of an emergency.
- Don't overload your watercraft with people or gear.
- Check the forecast before you head out and watch for changes in the weather.
- Watch for floating debris and hazards concealed under the surface of the water.
- Boaters must practice safe boating at all times. Follow the guidelines and regulations set out by Transport Canada's Office of Boating Safety
Learn more about keeping safe on the water from the Office of Boating Safety, a division of Transport Canada:
In partnership with, we encourage you to act safe and look out for each other:
Safety when hiking
Note the closing times of the recreation area you're visiting and make sure you leave enough time for your return. You should also make sure that you're not starting your hike too late in the day. You'll need sufficient daylight to not only follow the trail to your destination, but also to return to your starting point.
Be prepared by:
- Making sure you're physically fit enough and have planned enough time to complete the journey. Many people get into trouble because they end up having to find their way in the dark.
- Never hike alone. Trek with a group and stay together.
- Let friends and family know where you're going and when you plan to be back.
- Carry a cellular phone but be aware that in some remote areas, you may not have service.
- Always carry the 10 essentials
- Check the forecast before you head out, and watch for changes in the weather. It's normal in British Columbia for weather to change rapidly.
- Know what to do if you encounter wildlife. Bears and cougars are the most dangerous, but even deer can be aggressive.
The strategy for dealing with wildlife encounters depends on the type of animal.
- Learn more about bears in recreation areas
- Learn more about cougars in recreation areas
If you get lost:
- Don't panic. Keep a positive attitude.
- Stay where you are. Continuing on may only get you more lost and will make it more difficult for searchers to locate you if you move into an area that has already been searched, for example.
- Find shelter or build something if you can, to protect yourself from the element.s
- Don't go "downhill" because that can lead to steep cliffs, narrow ravines and waterfalls.
- Use a signalling device to help people find you. Blow a whistle, light a fire, and stay visible.
Safety around campfires
Open fires are permitted only in designated locations and must be supervised by someone 16 years of age or older. Fires create a risk of forest fires and the smoke is a pollutant, so only start a campfire when you need one.
Campfires are not allowed when bans are in effect.
Firewood is available for a small fee. Cash only, please. Please don't collect firewood from the recreation area. That material is important for the survival of many plants and animals. Firewood is not available
at the Upper Campbell Reservoir Campground.
Be sure to follow these fire safety rules:
- Keep your campfire contained within the metal fire ring.
- Your fire shouldn’t be higher than the metal fire ring.
- Don't light a fire if there are high winds.
- Use a campfire only to cook food and to keep warm.
- Don't burn garbage in your campfire.
- Fully extinguish your fire when you're done. Flip over all wood, pour water over the coals and embers, and stir everything around. You should be able to put your hand in the ashes without feeling any heat.
If you see a forest fire
Phone: 1 800 663 5555
Find out about campfire bans from the B.C. Ministry of Forests:
- Go to the Wildfire Management Branch page to view fire prohibitions
Safety in the winter
During the winter, keep off the ice. It's not safe to ice fish, skate, ski, snowmobile, or walk on the ice. Rapid temperature changes can cause ice to melt and the ice around our facilities may be weak because of changing flows and water levels. Other ice hazards can include:
- Pressure ridges
- Gas holes
- Ice bridges, where large gaps between the ice and the surface of the water are present
- Broken shoreline ice
Extreme cold temperatures and winds can also be dangerous to those using recreation sites in the winter.