Free product installation and energy coaching
Energy Conservation Assistance Program

Program notices
Avoid potential scams
We don't require customers to provide banking details or advanced payments for our energy efficiency or rebate programs. If an individual contacts you claiming to be from BC Hydro, CleanBC, or any other energy efficiency program and requests your personal banking information or an advanced payment, please decline and notify us at 1 800 BC HYDRO (1 800 224 9376).
Improve your home's comfort and save energy
If you live in an income-qualified household you could be eligible for free upgrades to help improve the comfort and efficiency of your home with our Energy Conservation Assistance Program.
Products and upgrades available
The products and upgrades you'll receive depend on the housing type and individual characteristics of each home. They may include:
- LED light bulbs and night light
- High-efficiency showerheads
- Faucet aerators
- Door weather stripping
- Insulating wrap for hot water pipes
- Clothes drying rack
- Carbon monoxide detectors
- ENERGY STAR® fridge replacement
How it works
- Check our income qualification table to make sure that you're eligible.
- Apply for the program. Once you're approved, an energy coach will contact you to schedule a visit to your home.
- During the visit, the energy coach will install energy-saving products throughout your home, all for free. Some homes may get a new refrigerator and/or air conditioner. Note: If you live in an apartment or condo, you're only eligible to apply for the air conditioner offer.
- They'll also provide an overview of the products installed and personalized advice and tips to save energy.
Your household income must not exceed the amounts listed below. Income is based on the previous year and includes the combined income of all household members aged 18 and older.
1 person | $39,700 |
2 people | $49,500 |
3 people | $60,800 |
4 people | $73,800 |
5 people | $83,700 |
6 people | $94,400 |
7 or more people | $105,100 |
- Single-family detached home
- Townhome
- Rowhome
- Duplex
- Manufactured home / mobile home
Live in an apartment or condo and meet the income qualification? You can apply for a free energy saving kit.
Do you rent your home? You can still apply for this program if the BC Hydro or City of New Westminster utility account is in your name.
Have your landlord complete a landlord consent form [PDF, 159 KB] and submit the form along with the rest of your application.
How to apply
Apply for the program online or by mailing a paper application [PDF, 245 KB].
With your application, you'll need to provide proof of income for each member of your household aged 18 or older.
How to apply outside of BC Hydro's service area
Customers of FortisBC Electric and residents of Grand Forks, Summerland, Penticton, and Nelson can apply here [PDF, 949 KB].
Submit a copy of one of the following documents for each member of your household aged 18 or older. Documents must be dated within the last year.
- Notice of Assessment (NOA) from the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA). To get your NOA, please contact the CRA at 1 800 959 8281. Ensure that all information on the NOA is blacked out except for your name, effective date, and line 150.
- Verification of income or disability assistance, e.g. your monthly report (cheque stub), or a printed copy of your Confirmation of Assistance if you're registered for My Self Serve.
- A Shelter Aid for Elderly Renters (SAFER) cheque stub, acknowledgement letter or benefit change letter from BC Housing.
- A Rental Assistance Program acknowledgment letter or benefit change letter from BC Housing.
- National Child Benefit Supplement notice from Canada Revenue Agency.
- Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS) notice.
The following documents are not accepted as proof of income:
- Income Tax Summary
- T1 General
- T4
- BC Home Assessment
Have questions?
If you live in a single-family detached home, townhome, duplex, apartment, or condo:
- If you've qualified for an upgrade, contact our program partner Ecofitt, a CLEAResult company at 1 833 455 9029.
If you live in a manufactured/mobile home
- Contact our program partner Ecofitt, a CLEAResult company at 1 833 455 9029.
For all other inquiries, please give our team a call at 1 800 224 9376.
Please note, to help us evaluate this program you may receive a call from our program partner, Ecolighten.
Safety for in-home visits
We're continuing to take steps to protect the health and safety of you and our contractors, including:
- A COVID-19 pre-screening survey before the home visit.
- Sanitizing areas in the home where products are installed.
- Wearing masks and maintaining distance whenever possible.
Program in partnership with
Related programs
Energy saving kit
Get a free kit of energy-saving products delivered to your door. Install them yourself to help save on your electricity costs. Available to low- and moderate-income households, including apartments and condos.