Free energy saving kit

Program notices
Avoid potential scams
We don't require customers to provide banking details or advanced payments for our energy efficiency or rebate programs. If an individual contacts you claiming to be from BC Hydro, CleanBC, or any other energy efficiency program and requests your personal banking information or an advanced payment, please decline and notify us at 1 800 BC HYDRO (1 800 224 9376).
Available for low- and moderate-income households
If you live in an income-qualified household, you can get a free energy saving kit to help you save energy and make your home more comfortable all year.
Each kit includes simple, energy-saving products that you can install yourself. With this kit, you can seal up the drafts around your home, save on lighting costs, and reduce your home's water use too.
What's in the kit?
- Four LED light bulbs
- Weather stripping to reduce drafts around windows and doors
- High-efficiency showerheads
- Water-saving tap aerators
- Foam outlet gaskets
- LED night light
- Fridge and freezer thermometer
- Step-by-step instruction guide [PDF, 3.4 MB] to help you install each product
You can customize your kit when you apply based on the specific needs of your home.
How to apply
- Check our income qualification chart to make sure that you're eligible.
- Apply for the free kit online. It takes less than five minutes to apply.
- Please have your BC Hydro or City of New Westminster utility account number ready. If you prefer, you can call us at 1 800 224 9376 to order the kit over the phone.
- After you apply, you'll receive your energy saving kit within three to six weeks.
There are no fees or shipping costs.
1 person | $48,900 |
2 people | $60,900 |
3 people | $74,800 |
4 people | $90,800 |
5 people | $103,000 |
6 people | $116,100 |
7 or more people | $129,300 |
Do you rent your home? You can still apply for the kit if the BC Hydro or City of New Westminster utility account is in your name.
As long as your income still qualifies, you'll be eligible to order a new kit if you move to a new home or if it's been at least five years since you received your previous kit.
Product installation and tips
The kit includes a printed installation guide. To learn more, you can also check out our online product guides and how-to videos:
- How to seal drafts with weather stripping
- How to apply insulating window film
- How to install energy-efficient showerheads and tap aerators
Program in partnership with
Related programs
Energy Conservation Assistance Program (ECAP)
With this program, an energy coach visits your home to install energy-efficient products for you and gives you personalized advice to save energy – all for free. Available to low- and moderate-income households.