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BC Hydro at work: Spillway gate test at Stave Falls

BC Hydro recently completed a “wet test” of the newly installed 24,000 kilogram spillway gates at Stave Falls located 55 kilometres east of Vancouver in the District of Mission. During the test, the gates were opened allowing water from the reservoir to rush through and then closed to ensure the new equipment was operating as designed.
Spillway gates are critical components of dams acting as moveable water barriers that allow BC Hydro to discharge water from the Stave Reservoir in a controlled manner. In the event of a flood, the gates will ensure BC Hydro can safely manage the water without damaging the dam.
The Stave Falls Spillway Gates Reliability Projects included the replacement of the four nearly 100-year-old radial spillway gates, and the existing radial gate hoists and electrical distribution system. The replacement of this equipment was the last major component of the regeneration of the Stave Falls Dam and Powerhouse, which began in 1996 with the replacement or the powerhouse and upgrade to the main dam.