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La Joie Dam improvement project

La Joie Dam

La Joie Dam is at the top of the Bridge river system and significantly influences the watershed. Parts of the dam are nearing the end of their life and need upgrades to ensure the facility continues to operate safely.

What's new

January 2025

We recognize our work can have impacts. That's why we commissioned the La Joie Access and Accommodation Study as part of our upcoming capital project work in the Bridge River System, happening over the next 10 to 15 years.

This comprehensive study developed a list of options, identified potential impacts and other considerations like cost and safety, and provided recommendations addressing construction traffic, worker access routes and temporary work camp locations for the La Joie Dam Improvement Project.  

We're pleased to share with you the report highlights [PDF, 14.3 MB] as well as the full report [PDF, 328.5 MB].

The recommendations in the report will need further evaluation.

We thank respondents for participating in the study. Your input will continue to be used as we move further into project planning.

Subscribe for project updates below. 

We're making significant capital investments in the Bridge River system facilities. La Joie Dam is at the top of the Bridge river system and significantly influences the watershed. Parts of the dam are nearing the end of their life and need upgrades to ensure the facility continues to operate safely.

We're in the early planning stages of the La Joie Dam (LAJ) Improvement Project. For more than a year, we've worked with St'at'imc Nation, stakeholders, and the public to evaluate the following alternatives for a leading alternative for the project:

  • Decommissioning
  • Do nothing
  • Improve dam to a lower reservoir level
  • Improve dam to full reservoir level

After a detailed review, we identified the leading alternative: improve dam to full reservoir level. This alternative includes working with St'at'imc Nation to review future operational options and regimes that could maximize the overall environmental benefits to upstream wildlife and downstream fish habitats. We're currently working on identifying the upgrade options for the various aspects of the project.

In 2015, we adjusted dam operations to mitigate seismic risks by reducing Downton Reservoir's maximum elevation from 750m to 734m. This lowered the reservoir's storage capacity by approximately one-half, reducing ability to buffer large inflows into the La Joie basin, which effects flows throughout the Bridge system.

The La Joie Dam Improvement Project will address dam safety risks related to ageing and seismic vulnerabilities. By restoring full capacity of Downton Reservoir, the project will re-establish operating flexibility for the benefit of fish and fish habitat throughout the Bridge-Seton watersheds, and meet commitments to St'át'imc Nation.

BC Hydro's Bridge River system is about 300 km north of Vancouver and includes of the La Joie Dam and Powerhouse (Downton Reservoir) near Goldbridge.

Based on early design work, low water levels in Downton Reservoir will be needed for the project. Construction at La Joie is expected to begin in 2027 with targeted completion in 2032.

Early planning estimates show the project will significantly exceed the $100 million threshold for projects requiring regulatory approval by the B.C. Utilities Commission. 

Environmental impact studies are underway, and considerations will be shared with stakeholders as they are available.

Contact us

If you'd like to learn more about the project, please contact us at:

Toll free: 1 866 647 3334

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BC Hydro is collecting your personal information (specifically, name, and email), for the purposes of the La Joie Dam Improvements Project and will be used to contact you in the future about project updates, correspondence and notifications about future consultation opportunities. This is done in accordance with BC Hydro's obligations under the Utilities Commission Act and under the authority of the Hydro and Power Authority Act. Data may be stored outside of Canada. If you have specific questions about the project or privacy concerns, please contact