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Standards of conduct
(Reliability Coordinator)

The Reliability Coordinator (RC) Standards of Conduct (SOC) [PDF, 138 KB] require that BC Hydro, in performing the Reliability Coordinator function, treats all users of the interconnected transmission systems in a fair and non-discriminatory manner.

Principles of the Reliability Coordinator

The RC Standards of Conduct are governed by three basic principles:

  • Independence – RC Employees must operate independently of Marketing Function Employees
  • Priority to reliability – RC Employees will act in a manner that treats all system users in a fair and non-discriminatory manner and gives priority to the reliability of the electric power transmission system.
  • Emergency actions – In an emergency circumstance that could jeopardize operational reliability, the RC may take whatever steps are necessary to maintain the reliability of the electric power transmission system.

Implementation of the RC Standards of Conduct

The RC Standards of Conduct section 3.1 require an explanation of the implementation which is provided below:

BC Hydro serves as the both the Reliability Coordinator and the Balancing Authority for the Province of British Columbia, within the Western Interconnection. The Reliability Coordinator Functions are carried out by the Manager of Provincial Reliability Coordination Operations who reports to the Director of Transmission and Distribution System Operations (TDSO). The Balancing Authority and BC Hydro's TOP functions are carried out by separate groups reporting to the Director of TDSO. TDSO reports to the Executive Vice President of Operations. All power marketing activities are carried out by our Powerex subsidiary which exists in a separate headquarters than our control centres.

The operating procedures that govern the RC function for B.C. are approved by the Manager of Provincial Reliability Coordination Operations and apply to the BC Hydro RC staff and all registered entities of B.C. that are subject to the authority of the BC Hydro RC. These operating procedures are separate from those that govern the BA and TOP functions performed by BC Hydro.

BC Hydro has established a Standards of Conduct (Transmission) to support the implementation of the Open Access Transmission Tariff to protect non-public transmission information from being provided to marketing function employees.

In addition, BC Hydro has established Reliability Coordinator Standards of Conduct to govern the performance of the RC function to ensure the primary focus on the reliability of the RC area and the interconnection, while ensuring fair treatment of all system users. The BC Hydro RC staff are subject to both Standards of Conduct.

Chief Compliance Officer

BC Hydro's Chief Compliance Officer for the RC Standards of Conduct is:

    Diana Stephenson
    Senior Vice-President, Customer and Corporate Affairs
    18th floor, 333 Dunsmuir Street
    Vancouver, B.C. V6B 5R3

Deviations from the RC Standards of Conduct

Any deviations from these RC Standards of Conduct shall be reported immediately after discovery by anyone having knowledge of an event or situation in which a RC Employee acted in a manner contrary to these Standards of Conduct. Reporting may be done anonymously or not, and anyone who reports in good faith a situation that is contrary to these Standards of Conduct will not be the subject of retaliation or of administrative or disciplinary measures. Reporting shall be directed to the Chief Compliance Officer or made through the Standards of Conduct hotline: 1 866 364 9376.

Reporting Requirements

Annual reports of the deviations from this Standards of Conduct will be posted on this website.

Reliability Coordinator Employees

RC Employees means employees of BC Hydro or employees of any of its affiliates who perform RC functions. The definition includes bothemployees as well as personnel hired on contract by the Reliability Coordinator Manager to perform Reliability Coordinator functions.

Transfer of employees

BC Hydro must post a notice on its website of any transfer of a RC Employee to a position as an Marketing Function Employee, or any transfer of a Marketing Function Employee to a position as a RC Employee. See Listing of Transfers of Employees [PDF, 82 KB] for current transfers as of August 6, 2024.

Disclosing non-public transmission function information

If an employee of the RC function discloses information in a manner contrary to the requirements of the RC Standards of Conduct BC Hydro must, as soon as practicable, post such information and inform the affected Transmission Provider to post such information on its OASIS. Notice of such disclosures will be posted on this site.