Open Access Transmission Tariff
The Open Access Transmission Tariff (OATT) sets out the terms and conditions approved by the B.C. Utilities Commission (BCUC) for BC Hydro's transmission service. The accompanying rate schedules to the tariff outline the prices for transmission services purchased from BC Hydro.
The following tariff information is provided for your convenience. If there are differences between this material and the official printed versions of BC Hydro's Tariffs, the official version approved by the BCUC shall prevail.
- Open Access Transmission Tariff (OATT) [PDF, 22.0 MB]
- Terms and Conditions [PDF, 3.9 MB]
- Attachment A: Umbrella Agreement for Short-Term Firm or Non-Firm Point-to-Point Transmission Service [PDF, 264 KB]
- Attachment B: Form of Service Agreement for Long-Term Firm Point-to-Point Transmission Service [PDF, 113 KB]
- Attachment B-1: Form of Service Agreement for the Resale, Reassignment, or Transfer of Long-Term Firm Point-to-Point Transmission Service [PDF, 671 KB]
- Attachment C: Methodology to Assess Available Transfer Capability [PDF, 202 KB]
- Attachment D: Methodology for Completing a System Impact Study [PDF, 74 KB]
- Attachment E: Index of Point-to-Point Transmission Service Customers [PDF, 61 KB]
- Attachment F: Form of Service Agreement for Network Integration Transmission Service [PDF, 342 KB]
- Attachment G: Network Operating Agreement [PDF, 930 KB]
- Attachment H: Annual Transmission Revenue Requirement for Network Integration Transmission Service [PDF, 135 KB]
- Attachment I: Index of Network Integration Transmission Service Customers [PDF, 57 KB]
- Attachment J: Procedures for Addressing Parallel Flows [PDF, 55 KB]
- Attachment K: Transmission Planning Process [PDF, 1.5 MB]
- Attachment L: Creditworthiness Provisions [PDF, 115 KB]
- Attachment M-1: Standard Generator Interconnection Procedures (SGIP) including Standard Generator Interconnection Agreement (SGIA) [PDF, 417 KB]
- Attachment M-1 Appendix 1: Interconnection Request for a Generating Facility [PDF, 111 KB]
- Attachment M-1 Appendix 2: Interconnection Feasibility Study Agreement [PDF, 87 KB]
- Attachment M-1 Appendix 3: Combined Study Agreement [PDF, 104 KB]
- Attachment M-1 Appendix 4: Optional Interconnection Study Agreement [PDF, 99 KB]
- Attachment M-1 Appendix 5: Standard Generator Interconnection Agreement (SGIA) [PDF, 527 KB]
- Attachment M-2: Transmission Service and Interconnection Service Procedures for CEAPs [PDF, 135 KB]
- Attachment N: Deferral Credits for Long Term Point-to-Point Customers Who Participate in a Dispatch Option During Critical Peak Periods [PDF, 464 KB]
- Attachment O: Recovery of New Facilities Costs [PDF, 1.1 MB]
- Attachment P: Contingency Resource Plans (CRP) and Release of Capacity Not Required by Network Integration Transmission Service (NITS) [PDF, 629 KB]
- Attachment Q-1: Dynamic Scheduling [PDF, 77 KB]
- Attachment Q-2: Network Economy Service [PDF, 422 KB]
- Attachment Q-3: Spinning Reserve and Contingency Reserve Transmission Service [PDF, 596 KB]
- Attachment Q-4: Mixed Class Wheelthrough Service [PDF, 350 KB]
- Attachment Q-5: Wheeling Rights Under FortisBC's Tariff Supplement 9 [PDF, 150 KB]
- Schedule 00: Network Integration Transmission Service [PDF, 138 KB]
- Schedule 01: Point-to-Point Transmission Service [PDF, 147 KB]
- Schedule 02: Non-Firm Point-to-Point Transmission Service [PDF, 64 KB]
- Schedule 03: Scheduling, System Control, and Dispatch Service [PDF, 138 KB]
- Schedule 04: Reactive Supply and Voltage Control from Generation or Other Sources Services [PDF, 167 KB]
- Schedule 05: Regulation and Frequency Response Service [PDF, 89 KB]
- Schedule 06: Energy Imbalance Service [PDF, 241 KB]
- Schedule 07: Operating Reserve (OR) – Spinning Reserve Service [PDF, 44 KB]
- Schedule 08: Operating Reserve (OR) – Supplemental Reserve Services [PDF, 47 KB]
- Schedule 09: Loss Compensation Service [PDF, 48 KB]
- Schedule 10: Real Power Losses [PDF, 70 KB]
- Tariff Supplement 78: Wheeling for Canal Plant Agreement CoordinationTransfers [PDF, 253 KB]
- Tariff Supplement 79: BC Hydro Generating Plant Interconnections [PDF, 1.4 MB]
- Tariff Supplement 80: Network Economy Service [PDF, 86 KB]
- Tariff Supplement 81: AltaGas Northwest Projects Umbrella Agreement [PDF, 5.5 MB]