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SOP: How to apply

Before beginning an application, the developer should review the Standing Offer Program Rules thoroughly to determine if the project is eligible for the program.

Pre-application meeting

If you're interested in applying to the Standing Offer Program, we strongly recommend that you request a meeting or conference call at any time before submitting your application. During the meeting, we'll discuss:

  • The application process
  • Standard Form Electricity Purchase Agreement
  • Interconnection requirements and study costs
  • First Nations consultation requirements
  • Other matters required to facilitate the application process

To arrange a meeting or conference call, developers should email the SOP.

Application package

If you're a developer applying to the Standing Offer Program, you must submit the following:

  • A scanned copy of a completed Standing Offer Program application form, signed by the developer, with applicable exhibits also in electronic form; and
  • A scanned copy of the Confidentiality and Compliance Agreement, signed by the developer (if not previously submitted with a pre-application meeting request)

Please send the application by email to the SOP or deliver it via one (1) disk or USB flash drive to:

BC Hydro
Standing Offer Program
17th Floor, 333 Dunsmuir Street
Vancouver, B.C. V6B 5R3
Attention: SOP Administrator

We'll confirm we've received the application by sending an email to the developer's designated contact person as specified in the application.