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Mount Pleasant Substation upgrade project

Mount Pleasant Substation upgrade

We're preparing to upgrade our Mount Pleasant Substation to ensure we can continue delivering safe, reliable power to this community.

When we built the substation in 2014, we made sure there would be room for more equipment when it was needed. Now that the surrounding neighbourhood has densified, installing additional equipment will help us meet growing electricity needs.

Substations are a key part of our electricity grid. Inside a substation, transformers “step down” high-voltage transmission power to a lower voltage that can be distributed to homes and businesses.

We're planning to install additional equipment inside our existing substation to increase the power that we can supply to homes and businesses. There are three parts to our project:

  1. We'll install additional high- and medium-voltage equipment inside the substation — this equipment will bring power to and from the transformers.
  2. We'll install a new transformer in an existing, empty space within the substation — this will be the substation’s third transformer.
  3. We'll connect new distribution cables through existing duct banks — distribution cables transport power out of the substation to homes and businesses. 

Additional equipment is needed to meet growing electricity demands in the area served by the Mount Pleasant Substation.

Almost all of our work will take place inside the existing Mount Pleasant Substation, located at 338 West 6th Avenue. We'll also install additional distribution cables in existing duct banks outside this substation.

Mount Pleasant Substation upgrade project

Select the map [PDF, 4.3 MB] to view it at a larger size.

We expect to start installing smaller equipment in 2025, to install the new transformer in 2026, and to complete our work in 2028.

Our timelines will be updated as we keep working with contractors and suppliers.


We'll share information about our project, including construction plans, with stakeholders and nearby members of the public. We look forward to hearing your feedback.

Contact us

If you'd like to learn more about the project, please contact us at:

Phone: 604 623 4472
Toll free: 1 866 647 3334