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WKTP: Consultation

Keeping the public informed about the West Kelowna Transmission Project

How we're keeping you informed

We started talking to local municipalities and other stakeholders in the spring of 2015. Consultation and communication will continue throughout the life of the West Kelowna Transmission Project. We'll let you know the outcomes of our consultation, and provide you with timely information and updates.

Thanks to everyone who took the time to attend our open houses in June 2016 or participate in our online consultation. A communications and consultation summary will be available soon. All materials we shared are available in the information centre.

Do you want to be added to our stakeholder list?

If you'd like to get project updates and notifications of upcoming consultation activities, please contact us and mention the West Kelowna Transmission Project at:

First Nations consultation

We place high value on our relationship with First Nations; the input and participation of First Nations is crucial to of all our projects.

We're collaborating with the Okanagan Nation and other First Nations to understand and address their interests through the life of the project. We'll also collaborate with the Okanagan Nation and other First Nations to find opportunities for their participation in work at different stages of the project.

For further information, please contact BC Hydro's Aboriginal Relations team for the West Kelowna Transmission Project: